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3صحف امريكية تتحدث : عن القبض على قبطى من كنيسة مارمينال استاتن ايلاند بتهمة النصب..وتحقيقات حول بيع اصدقاء له المخدرات

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Two New York men scammed 85-year-old Massachusetts woman out of more than $19,000 by posing as lawyer for relative, police say

Posted Dec 12, 2:37 PM

Mark Gabra and Ali Almashhadani
Mark Gabra and Ali Almashhadani

24336sharesBy Tim Jones |

Two New York men are facing charges after they allegedly scammed a Norwood woman out of more than $19,000 in a phone scam, according to police.

Norwood police say Mark Gabra, 20, and Ali Almashhadani, 21, both of Staten Island, NY, targeted the woman.

The victim told police that she received a call several days ago from a man who claimed to be her grandson’s lawyer and that her grandson was in custody.

Norwood Police Departmenton Wednesday

Norwood Police detectives arrested two New York City men Tuesday night in connection with a phone scam that victimized an 85-year old Norwood woman. According to the victim, she received a call a few days ago from a man purporting to be a lawyer representing her grandson who, the caller told her, was in police custody. The “attorney” told the woman he would need $9,000 to get her grandson out of jail. The woman withdrew the money and, as the caller directed, prepared a pac…See More

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Image may contain: 1 person, beard and closeup

The caller told the woman she needed $9,000 to get her grandson out of jail. The woman withdrew the money and, as she was told, prepared a package to be picked up by a courier.

The next day she was told she would need an additional $10,000, which she also withdrew and prepared.

When police contacted the victim, she told officers that she was instructed to prepare another package.

Officers set up surveillance and watched a car with New York plates pull onto the street. Police said the passenger got out of the car, approached the woman’s home and then took the package.

The car drove a short distance down the road and then stopped. Officers approached the car and took the men in for questioning.

Both Gabra and Almashhadani were charged with conspiracy to receive stolen property and attempt to commit larceny by a false pretense and were arraigned in court Wednesday.

Two S.I. men arrested in Massachusetts for allegedly scamming 85-year-old grandma, police say

Updated 7:39 PM;Today 7:38 PM

Mark Gabra, 20, right, and Ali Almashhadani, 21, left, were arrested Tuesday. (Courtesy of Norwood Police Department)

270sharesBy Irene Spezzamonte |

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Police in Massachusetts arrested two Staten Island men on Tuesday after the pair allegedly scammed an 85-year-old grandma, the Norwood Police Department said.

Mark Gabra, 20, of the 100 block of Mulberry Circle in New Springville, and Ali Almashhadani, 21, of the 200 block of Westervelt Avenue in New Brighton, allegedly targeted the Norwood grandma via a phone scam, police said.

The woman told police she received a phone call from a man who said he was her grandson’s lawyer, police said.

The man said the grandson was in police custody and needed $9,000 to get out of jail, according to police.

After the woman withdrew the amount requested, she put a package in front of her house to be picked up by a courier, police said.

The next day the woman received another call asking for $10,000 and she proceeded to put the money in a package as she did on the previous occasion, according to police.

Police started an investigation after the second call, and the woman told police she had received a third request for money, police said.

Norwood police officers directed the woman to put up a new package similar to the previous ones and officers observed a car with New York plates approaching the home, according to police.

One man got out of the car’s passenger seat and picked up the package. When the man returned to the car and the driver drove away, police followed, police said.

Police waited until Gabra and Almashhadani got out of the car and examined the package. At that point, detectives approached the two men, questioned them and took them to a police station where Gabra and Almashhadani were placed under arrest, according to police.

Gabra and Almashhadani are charged with conspiracy to receive stolen property and attempt to commit larceny by false pretense, police say.

They were arraigned in court Wednesday, according to the Advance sister site

A lawyer representing Gabra and Almashhadani was not publicly available

روابط الصحف التى نشرت الخبر


نشرت 3 صحف امريكية خبر القبض على شاب من كنيسة الملاك و مار مينا ستاتن ايلاند نيويورك, حيث تصدر صحف نيويورك و بوسطن اليوم وقد تناقلت وكالات الأنباء في نيويورك و بوسطن خبر القبض على شاب من كنيسة الملاك ومارمينا ستاتن ايلاند يدعي مارك جبره (٢٠ سنة) على إثر تورطه في عملية نصب واحتيال على سيدة عجوز (٨٥ سنة) بالاشتراك مع شاب اخر يدعي على المشهداني (٢١ سنة) والاستيلاء على مبلغ $19,000 وتقول الصحف ان البوليس قد قبض على الاثنين في حالة تلبس في أثناء المحاولة الثالثة للاستيلاء على مال السيدة العجوز بعد أن نجحا في خداعها مرتين من قبل كما يقول الخبر. وهذا يقول متابعون لشئون هذه الكنيسة أ، كنيسة الملاك ومارمينا أصبحت في حالة انفلات منذ استبعد الانبا دافيد القمص صموئيل بولس من إدارة الكنيسة و خدمة الشباب منذ خمس سنوات ليفسح المجال للقس بيتر دميان (خريج معهد فلاديمير) كاهن الشباب الذي ترك الكنيسة بعد أن افسد عقول الشباب فهو صاحب المقولة الشهيرة “ان الويد “المرجوانا” ليست من المخدرات ولا تسبب إدمان و الشباب لو لم يشربوا في الكنيسة هيشربوا برة” و المبدأ الآخر “انه عادي ان يكون للبنت بوي فرند” مما جعل كثير من الاهالى يشتكون للانبا دافيد من هذا الكاهن وحالة التسيب التي وصلت اليها الكنيسة ولكن الاسقف لم يكن يقبل أي نقد لابنه البكر المدلل حتى ترك الكنيسة وذهب لنيوجيرسي بحجة انه لا يستطيع العمل مع القمص صموئيل.

 جدير بالذكر أن إحدى المدارس الثانوية في ستاتن ايلاند قد أبلغت السلطات عن ان مجموعة من الطالبات قد تم ضبطهم الاسبوع الماضي يتعاطون مخدرات في المدرسة وبسؤالهم عن مصدر هذه المخدرات قالوا انها من اصدقاء القبطى النصاب مارك جبرة, ولا تزال التحقيقات تجري على كل اصدقاؤه.