Sunday, September 22, 2024

٣ كهنة جدد. لايبراشية ملبورون بيد البابا تواضروس

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نشر صفحة إيرانية ملبورون عن رسامة البابا تواضروس لكهنة جدد للخدمة با الايبارشية وقالت Through the grace and blessing of God, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II ordained three new Priests for our Diocese in a service held at St Bishoy’s Monastery in Wadi El Natrun, Egypt’s • Fr Bishoy Youhanna for St Mary & St Bishoy Church, Adelaide, SA • Fr Isaac Wissa for St Mina & St Marina Church, Hallam, VIC • Fr George Farag for the Ministry in the Fijian Islands Let us all lift up our hearts to the Lord in prayer that Christ may bless, guide and give wisdom to the newly ordained Fathers in the ministry!